Discover How Much It Costs to Develop Your App

In just 3 minutes, get a FREE, AI-powered plan with real numbers, timelines, and features—everything you need to start building your app confidently.

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Comprehensive App Development Blueprint

Our app cost calculator goes beyond answering "how much does it cost to make an app." It provides everything you need to kickstart your project and impress investors:

Budget Breakdown

Understand the cost to build an app feature by feature.

Project Timeline

Know exactly how long development will take.

Feature List

See what makes your app stand out.

Design Concept

Get AI-generated visuals tailored to your idea.

Tech Stack

Identify the right tools and people for your project.

All this comes in a Scope of Work (SoW) that usually costs $5-10k, but you get it for free.

Get Your Free SoW

How We Ensure Accurate App  Estimates

Real-World Projects:

We've fine-tuned GPT-4o-mini and GPT-4o on data from 10,685 successful projects. This means our AI provides estimates based on real-world app development insights.

25 Industry-Specific Algorithms:

Tailored to consider the exact features and needs of your app's industry.

5 Platforms, 1 Solution:

Accounts for cost differences between Web, iOS, Android, Desktop and IoT development.

Instant Designs with DALLE-3:

Includes design elements in your estimate, covering all aspects of development.

How Founders Are Using Our Cost Estimates

Sofia Jhonson

CEO of GreenByte
Pitching to VCs without concrete numbers was a nightmare. This tool hooked me up with accurate estimates that made my pitch deck legit. Secured meetings with two investors the next week.

Carlos Jones

Co-Founder of FitBuddy
As a non-tech founder, dev costs were a black box. The calculator demystified everything. Knowing my burn rate upfront helped me plan my runway better and avoid a cash crunch.

Aisha Miles

Product Lead at TravelLite
We were pivoting and needed quick insights on new feature costs. The estimate was spot-on and saved us from overbuilding. Stayed lean and hit our milestones.

Join Over 10,000 Founders Who Took the First Step

Check out these real app cost estimates calculated by founders using our tool.

FinTech App

Features: User Registration, Profile Management, Bank Account Integration, Money Transfer, Notifications, Real-Time Balance Updates, Expense Tracking

Cost: $31k

: 16 weeks

Tech Stack
: Node.js (backend), React Native (cross-platform), Firebase (authentication)

E-commerce App

Features: User Registration, Product Catalog, Shopping Cart, Checkout Process, Order Tracking, Push Notifications, Analytics and Reporting

Cost: $55k

: 12 weeks

Tech Stack
: Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), Node.js (backend), MySQL (database), React (UI)

HealthTech App

Features: User Registration, EHR Management, Appointment Scheduling, Telehealth Integration, Prescription Management, Health Monitoring, Billing and Insurance

Cost: $47k

: 12 weeks

Tech Stack
: Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), Node.js (backend), MongoDB (database), React Native (cross-platform)​
Estimate My App
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App development team in California
We are on a MISSION
Hey founders,

We're Ptolemay. Over the past 5 years, we've turned 100+ app ideas into reality across various industries. We understand the challenges of planning and budgeting for app development.

That's why we built this app cost calculator.

Think of it as our experience at your fingertips. We're here to save you time and help you make informed decisions.

— The Ptolemay Team
Successful App Projects Delivered
MVPs Launched for Startups
Countries worldwide
App development team in California
App development team in California

Discover  A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

1. Set Your Creativity Level:
Choose how innovative or straightforward your project should be.
2. Pick Your Industry:
Select your industry to get tailored features, making your estimate align with real-world needs.
3. Select Platforms:
Decide whether you want iOS, Android, or both.
iOS only = $50k, 4 months.
4. Add Key Features:
Choose relevant features to keep your estimate realistic and within budget.
5. Describe Your App Idea:
Provide a clear description to help the AI tailor the estimate to your project's goals.
6. Get Your Cost Estimate:
Receive a detailed cost breakdown, timeline, and feature list to plan your app and secure funding confidently.

Maximize the Accuracy of Your App Cost Estimate

Follow these tips to get the most accurate app cost estimate from our calculator, ensuring a clear, actionable development plan.


Choose the Right Creativity Level

- Clear and Formal: Ideal for simple, well-organized apps with straightforward features.
- Creative Touch: Adds innovative elements without over-complicating your app.
- Cutting-Edge: Incorporates advanced functionality to push boundaries.
- Futuristic: Perfect for groundbreaking ideas that redefine industries.

Adjust the creativity level to match your app's complexity and goals, impacting the overall app development cost.


Choose Your Platform

- Web App: Ideal for users who prefer to access your app from any browser.
- iOS App: Target iPhone and iPad users with a smooth, native experience.
- Android App: Reach the large Android market with native support.
- Desktop: Offer a powerful app experience for desktop users.
- IoT: Create apps for smart devices and connect with the Internet of Things.

The platform you choose directly affects your app's development cost and timeline. Make sure to align it with your audience and goals.


Focus on Core Features

- Start with the must-have features that solve your app’s main problem, controlling the initial cost of making an app.
- Avoid complex features that unnecessarily inflate the app dev cost and extend timelines.
- Plan for future growth by leaving room to add more features later, optimizing your mobile application development cost.

Prioritize essentials to launch quickly and stay within your app development budget.


Clearly Describe Your App Idea

- Problem & Solution: Highlight the issue your app addresses to get an accurate cost to develop an app.
- User Flow: Explain how users will interact with your app.
- Main Objective: Define the key goal or convenience your app offers.

The clearer your description, the more precise your app cost estimate will be.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I cut app development costs without sacrificing quality?

We get it—budgets can be tight. The key is starting with an MVP, focusing on the core features that solve your users' main problem. Skip the fancy extras for now.

Also, cross-platform development should be considered using tools like Flutter or React Native. This way, you build one app that runs on iOS and Android, saving you a chunk of change. You might also outsource parts of the project to skilled developers in regions with lower rates. Check out our list of top full-cycle Flutter development outsourcing companies.

What are the common budgeting mistakes in app development, and how do I dodge them?

One of the biggest mistakes founders make is underestimating the time it takes to develop an app. If you're thinking about a timeline of three months, double it—realistically, you're looking at six months or more. Features get added, integrations take longer, and debugging always surprises you. Research shows that app projects often run 20-30% longer than planned.

Another trap is ignoring post-launch expenses. Once your app is live, you'll still need to budget for ongoing costs like maintenance, updates, server hosting, and customer support. These can add up to around 15-20% of your initial development cost annually. So, if your app costs $100,000 to build, expect to spend at least another $15,000 to $20,000 annually to keep it going.

The key to smooth, long-term success is hiring the right remote developers. Check out our expert guide on how to hire top remote developers, even if you’re not a technical founder.

The crux here is to think beyond the launch and budget for the full lifecycle. Use our app price estimator to get a clear breakdown of both the upfront build costs and the ongoing expenses, so you can plan and avoid getting caught off guard financially.

Cross-platform vs. native development—which is better for my budget and performance?

Cross-platform development (think Flutter or React Native) is your go-to if you need to launch fast and stay within a tight budget. You're essentially writing one codebase that runs on iOS and Android, which means you're cutting 30-40% on costs and saving a couple of months of dev time. It's perfect if you're building an MVP—the quicker you get it out there, the quicker you can start getting user feedback and iterate. It's about failing fast learning faster.

But suppose you're in a space where high performance is non-negotiable (like gaming, heavy animations, or anything real-time), or your app needs deep integration with device features like GPS, Bluetooth, or advanced sensors. In that case, native development is the move. Native apps (built specifically for iOS with Swift or Android with Kotlin) are designed to squeeze every performance drop from the hardware. The downside? You're creating two separate codebases, which means more time and budget.

For maintenance, cross-platform is much more straightforward. You manage one codebase, which makes rolling out updates and fixing bugs faster and cheaper. With native, you've got to do everything twice—one for each platform—which can be a logistical headache if you're juggling limited resources.

To stay on budget without losing quality, choose specialized nearshore companies with aligned time zones and cultures. Here’s our list of top nearshore Flutter development companies.

Our app budget calculator helps you see the numbers for both options. Whether you're looking to move fast with cross-platform or want to go all in on native for that top-tier performance, we'll help you find the right fit for your goals. It's all about what makes the most sense for your product, timeline, and runway.

How does design complexity affect my app's cost?

If you're going for a basic app with a straightforward UI, you could be looking at $5,000 to $15,000. But when you add custom animations, unique flows, or eye-popping visuals, costs can easily jump to $25,000 or even $200,000 for complex apps loaded with features​.

Design complexity is where things get pricey. Those slick animations, custom icons, and unique interactions take extra time, skill, and dev hours. It's not just about making it look good—it's about functionality that feels right. Every visual element, from advanced UI designs to illustrations, adds up, and each detail means more hours spent tweaking and optimizing​.

Pro tip:
1. If you're on a lean budget, prioritize the essentials.
2. Build out the core features first—the ones that make the most difference to your users.
3. Save the fancy animations for a future update once you've validated your product.
4. Use UI kits or pre-made templates to get off the ground faster without bleeding cash early on​.

Also, remember future costs. It's smart to allocate around 10-20% of your initial design cost annually for ongoing refinements and updates. User feedback will always give you ideas on how to tweak and improve—trust me, it's better to budget for that upfront than scramble later​.

Our app pricing tool is designed to help you see exactly how these choices impact the bottom line. It gives you a clear idea before you dive in, so you can stay sharp about where the dollars go.

What should I budget for post-launch maintenance?

Launching your app is only step one. After that, you’ve got to keep it running like a well-oiled machine, and that’s where maintenance comes in. You’re looking at bug fixes, security patches, performance tweaks, and rolling out new features to keep users excited.

To keep things real, plan to set aside 15-20% of your initial development cost per year for this. If your app costs $100,000 to build, expect to spend about $15,000 to $20,000 annually. This covers server hosting, bug fixes, keeping up with the latest iOS and Android updates—basically, everything that keeps your app from falling behind.

Skipping maintenance is a surefire way to lose users quickly. You start getting slow load times, crashes, or security issues—things that drive users straight into the arms of your competitors. Regular updates keep things smooth and ensure you’re staying ahead of the curve.

Our application budget calculator considers all these ongoing expenses, so you’re ready from day one—no surprises, just smooth sailing.

I'm going global—how does multi-language support affect costs?

When you're ready to take your app global, there's more to it than just translating text. You’ll need to adjust things like layouts, date formats, and currency symbols to make sure everything feels natural for users in different countries. This isn't just a nice-to-have—it’s a crucial part of making your app usable worldwide. And yes, this does mean added development time and costs.

For instance, translating into languages like German often requires extra space since the text tends to be longer, which impacts the UI. Supporting right-to-left (RTL) languages like Arabic involves even more work—flipping layouts and rethinking the entire user experience. You’ll also need to adjust dates, addresses, and numbers to fit the local preferences, which means your app has to be flexible enough to adapt.

The key is to build with internationalization (i18n) in mind from the start. This way, you’re not scrambling to make changes later. Make sure your UI can handle different text lengths and formats, and avoid hard-coding values that can’t be easily updated. Running localization tests is also essential to ensure everything works smoothly across regions.

Our app cost calculator factors in these extra requirements, giving you a realistic estimate of the time and money you’ll need to make your app ready for the global stage. Whether you’re expanding to just a few markets or going all in worldwide, we’ve got the tools to help you plan for success.

How do third-party integrations impact my app development cost?

When integrating services like Stripe for payments or Google Sign-In for authentication, there are costs involved that go beyond just coding them into your app. For Stripe, you’ll need to handle payment gateways, set up secure data handling (like PCI DSS compliance), and maintain the API connections. This can cost you somewhere between $5,000 to $15,000 for a basic integration, but if you need something more custom—like advanced subscription models, multi-currency support, or fraud prevention—it can get a lot more expensive​.

For Google Sign-In, it's about making your users' lives easier—less friction during sign-up is always a win. But with that, you’ve got to ensure everything stays up to date with OAuth security standards and adapt whenever Google makes changes to their API. This means regular maintenance is key to keeping things running smoothly.

Think of it like this: integrations are powerful but require upkeep. Downtime in payments or logins means lost revenue and frustrated users, and that’s something no startup wants. Our AI tool factors in not just the initial setup but also the ongoing support and adjustments, so you can plan for the long haul. Whether you’re keeping it simple or scaling up for international users, knowing these costs upfront helps you stay on track.

Do compliance requirements like GDPR or HIPAA affect my app's cost?

If your app needs to follow GDPR or HIPAA rules, it’s more than just adding security features. You need to build the app with data protection in mind from day one. This means extra time, extra work, and yes, extra costs to make sure sensitive data stays safe and everything meets legal requirements.

With HIPAA, you’ve got things like data encryption (both when it’s stored and while it's being sent), strong user authentication, and making sure you’re keeping track of everything with audit logs. Depending on how complex your app is, the cost for HIPAA compliance can range from $50k to $300k. On top of that, you’ll need to keep up with regular security audits and updates to stay compliant as regulations and threats evolve.

For GDPR, you’re looking at similar levels of security, but with a big focus on user consent and data control—your users need to be able to access, modify, and delete their info. Messing this up can lead to hefty fines, so you want to get it right from the beginning.

Long story short: building a compliance-ready app isn’t just a checkbox; it’s an ongoing commitment. Our app price estimator factors in these compliance costs upfront, so you’re not hit with surprises later.

What’s the cost impact of building an app that can scale?

If you want your app to handle rapid growth, you need to build it to scale from the start. Here's the straightforward plan:

1. Use cloud services like AWS or Google Cloud. They let you scale your app automatically when traffic spikes, so you won’t crash or slow down. Auto Scaling and Load Balancing make sure your app adjusts to demand in real-time without extra manual effort.
2. Choose a scalable database. If your app handles a lot of data, go for NoSQL databases like MongoDB. These are designed to handle large-scale growth by spreading the load across multiple servers.
3. Opt for microservices over a monolithic app. Microservices allow you to scale just the parts of your app that need it, without reworking the entire system. It’s more flexible and easier to manage as your app grows.

In the long run, it’s cheaper to build for scalability from day one than to try and fix scalability issues later. Our AI tool takes these factors into account, helping you budget for growth without surprises.

How often should I update my app, and what's the cost impact?

Regular updates keep your app alive and thriving. We're not just talking about fixing a few bugs here and there—it's about keeping up with tech changes, staying secure, and making sure you're always giving your users the best experience.

You should plan on spending 15-20% of your initial development cost every year for maintenance. This covers everything from bug fixes to performance tweaks, security patches, and adding new features as your user base grows. If your app costs $200,000 to develop, expect to shell out $30,000 to $40,000 a year just to keep it current​.

In terms of timing, the sweet spot for most apps is an update every 1-2 months. Some apps, especially those with more users or complex features, might need even more frequent releases to stay on top of issues and user demands. Frequent updates also help you stay visible in the App Store or Google Play—it signals that your app is being actively improved, which boosts both your rankings and user trust​.

Read Our Blog

Here we collect the 10 years of expertise of the Ptolemay team to provide you with cutting-edge articles about mobile app development